Maintenance is important for making sure that vehicles and equipment are maintained and ready for use. Industries such as construction and mining use all sorts of heavy vehicles and equipment, all of which must be maintained so that they work and are safe to use. If a heavy vehicle or a piece of equipment is broken, then it falls to the workers to plan maintenance appointments ahead of time so that maintenance and/or replacements can occur without work being behind. It can be frustrating to have heavy vehicles and equipment not properly maintained, which can lead to projects being delayed.
Problems of unscheduled maintenance
Unscheduled maintenance appointments that happen would come with some issues. First of all, poor planning can mess up the flow of work, so having maintenance done that was not planned is not ideal during stressful work hours. Second, it is not good to be wasting money and time on heavy vehicles and equipment that are at the end of their live spans. If those vehicles and equipment are constantly breaking down after countless maintenance procedures, then the right option is to replace them. This can also affect the workflow because having to work with equipment that is not so maintained would drag on the workflow. Truthfully, breakdowns can happen at any time, which is why workers need to plan ahead for scheduled maintenance when they happen.
Scheduled maintenance reduces cost
Remember that maintenance costs money, and considering that there are lots of heavy vehicles and equipment, that is a lot of money to spend. However, scheduled maintenance can make a difference in how much money workers can spend on maintenance. If workers do plan out scheduled maintenance, then they would be saving money on any potential unscheduled maintenance appointment. If workers do not plan out the appointments, then they would be wasting money on maintenance that would have been better handled if they were scheduled. Not to mention, spending money on maintenance for a heavy vehicle or equipment would be a waste. Careful planning is key to saving money on unscheduled payments.
Scheduling maintenance digitally with HVI
With mobile apps, scheduling maintenance appointments becomes easy for customers. The HVI is one such mobile app that can allow users to schedule appointments digitally. This makes it so that maintenance scheduling is planned ahead of time, and workers can get notifications on when it is time to go to the maintenance appointment. The mobile app helps to eliminate unscheduled appointments, so workers should consider using the HVI.
When it comes to scheduling appointments, planning is crucial. Planning helps reduce the cost, reduce time, and keeps maintenance on track. Not planning can mess up the workflow, and no one wants that.
It’s time to move on from Paper based inspection to CLOUD based HVI APP !